Ford Transit Handover v3 [NEW VO].mp4

Ford Handover

Video explainer for the process of purchasing and collecting a Ford commercial vehicle. Commisioned by Pendragon.

Production, filming and post production by Space Face Films.


LLEP - Unbox Your Future

Videos explaining the benefits of the Unbox Your Future project and how it works. Commisioned by LLEP.

Production, filming and post production by Space Face Films.

BIG HOUSE WRAP 16x9 v6.mp4

The Big House Wrap

Video showcasing businesses who have benefited from The Big House's support. Commisioned by Creative Quarter Nottingham.

Production, part-filming and post production by Space Face Films.

VIDEO 1 V7 w Captions.mp4

Beauty Pie Training

Training course for new sales staff at Beauty Pie. Commisioned by Beauty Pie.

Post production by Space Face Films.